Hello, my name is Erin and I am a freelance photographer based in Shropshire, UK.
I achieved a BA (Hons) degree in Photography at The University of Wolverhampton in 2021.
After fostering the camera on a family holiday when I was around 14 or 15 years old, I decided to take the plunge & start focusing more on photography.
My perception of photography;
The world has billions of people living on it, all with different backgrounds, religions, and languages. With the wide range of languages, communication can become a barrier.
The beauty of photography is ..... it can speak a thousand words in itself.
Since that day when I picked up that disposable camera, I haven't looked back.
"The greatest passions in my life are travel and photography. I seek to document my personal experiences through my own photography, to capture and share scenes and events as I perceive them and to highlight the beauty and diversity of the world."